
Coffee Time with the Kelleys

Today May 19th's Coffee Time with the Kelleys:

We reviewed Nehemiah 1:8-10.

The song was: I feel the rain! 

Coffee Time with the Kelleys

Today May 18th's Coffee Time with the Kelleys:

We reviewed Isaiah 55:8-9

The song was: What a friend we have in Jesus

Coffee Time with the Kelleys

Today May 14th's Coffee Time with the Kelleys:

We reviewed Romans 8:31-32

The song was: More Precious than Silver

Coffee Time with the Kelleys

Today May 13th Coffee Time with the Kelleys:

We reviewed Psalm 26:1-3

The song was: There is a gentle quite presence

Coffee Time with the Kelleys

Today May 12th Coffee Time with the Kelleys:

We reviewed

The song was: He watches over me/He says Peace